Friday, July 5, 2019


Kindness Counts

*The Best way, Easiest way to send a Donation is to mail a check. there are no fees this way. Contact us for our mailing address. 
*Also if you can go to your bank and arrange for automatic payment thru your bank to our mailing address. 
*If you use the Facebook Donate Button, there is no fee.
*Building Foundations 1x1 is our non profit. go to our website. click the link and donate. 
*Any amount helps so very much. $5, $10 or More, One time, Monthly Donations. The more we come together and give. The more we can Help others. 
*TAG this photo, Share this post. Spread the word. Donate.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Ghana Project 2019

Want to join me in supporting a good cause? I'm raising money for Building Foundations 1x1 and your contribution will make an impact, 
Building has stalled for about a month. We need to raise more funds for this next phase. Walling up to the windows and need to purchase wood for the pillars. They ran out of sand and cement. Still have Blocks made. Step by step we can get this done, With All our help. 
"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” - John Bunyan
Watch our video. ...this is our current project. Lots still to get done. Share this post. Partner with us. It's an Honor to serve.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Building the Home for the Widows and Orphans

To all our friends and partners: All the items have been purchased, sand, cement, wood, block moulds, nails and the ground has been prepped for the start of the foundation. The last thing needed now is to purchase the Iron Rods. We need $3000 for the rods and supplies. It is important to get the rods, so that our supplies sitting on the land will not get ruined or stolen. This is an urgent plea. If you can donate at this time, please consider helping to build this home for orphans in Ghana. This is a great way to help others and change lives.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

GhanaKids2018 There are many needs all around the world. this is just a part. Help make a difference in the world. For generations to come. Help us bless others. They have hopes and desires like every kid. to Live happy lives, to go to school, to have fun and play. Want to grow up. ...And they have obstacles, in poorer communities and rural villages is Unhealthy Drinking Water brings sickness and disease, venomous deadly Mamba's and Mosquitos with Malaria. Still life goes on. We can help bring awareness. Help make a difference. There are people making a differece. Partner with people doing great things for others.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

2018 Update

2018 Update:
   Your gift helps us to Partner with and support The Gonzalez Educational Complex, Perfect Love Chapel Church, PLC Orphans and Widows and the Small Needs project which helps those on the streets  (predominately) in Ghana and all over world in urgent need.

 Building Foundations 1x1 is a 501 C3 organization established in 2014.   We operate on a volunteer basis with virtually no overhead costs.  Which means over 92% of your donation goes to what it was designated for.  With help from monthly donors we have been able to continue to meet the urgent and monthly needs of those we partner with throughout Ghana. 

     This year we travelled to Ghana West Africa.  God brought some generous people on board and we were able to complete The Barbara Estrada memorial water tower at the Gonzalez School. We travelled into a new village, where we met with parents and village Elders desiring to build a school within the village.  We are going to help build the school and committed to paying the monthly salary for a teacher.  This year it is our hope to have a set budget for the needs we are committed to monthly and to gain some new monthly donors to help with new projects.

We provided funds for 18 PLC Orphans tuition fees, school clothes, lunch fees, supplies, books and transportation fees .  We were able to verify a great need for continued monthly support for the orphans and help with resources for the widows.  We are hoping to raise and send $100 a month to help pay for school lunches and transportation fees for the 18 school children.

  We are excited to announce that we will be moving forward with building a permanent home for the Orphans and Widows of PLC.   We have the land paid off and have built a wall around the property.  It's now time to build a 4 bedroom Home, with room to build an additional level in the future.  We would be honored if you would consider  partnering with us in this new project as a monthly, bi monthly or yearly donor.

      We are excited for the on-going ministry to help others.  Together with your continued support we will be able to continue to make a difference in the lives of the needy, sick and the very poor in this world.  We are truly thankful for your donations.