Sunday, February 15, 2015

He Knows In Advance

God is preparing the way before us. For us and for our mission. We are on a lifelong mission to serve here at home and all around the world. Pray for us. Support Building Foundations 1x1. Contact us. Donate. God will provide. God will work it all out. "Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh which means “the Lord will provide”. To this day, people still use that name as a proverb: “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”" "God is preparing an answer before we know that it is a need. See Genesis 22:1-14." "We are often taken by surprise by circumstances and events in our lives. God never is. He knows in advance all that is going to transpire. He cares. He has provision ready for us."
God truly is Jehoveh-jireh.

It Will Produce Fruit

From Isaiah 55: ...Isaiah 55:5, 8, 11, 13 You also will command nations you do not know, and peoples unknown to you will come running to obey, because I, the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, have made you glorious.” “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.“ And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up. These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name; they will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.” God is working it all out before us. Prepare us Lord. To serve, to give, to Live for You. Around the world, across the nations, the country we live, our states, cities, neighborhoods, and here at home. Send all the resources. Join with us. Pray for us. Support us, Send Donations to:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Our Hearts Desire

Please consider supporting our mission. we are an official 501c3. even though we have faithfully been serve long before then. Right now our focus is in Kumasi, Ghana. The Gonzalez Educational Complex is making so much progress. the cafeteria building is complete, will partially be used as classroom space. as we plan on raising the funds to help starting the building of the second floor of the school building. then, at Perfect Love Chapel, the church is almost completed and almost ready for Worship and to serve the neighborhood. and we are raising funds to help start the building of the Training Center and Home for widows and orphans. Then, in Tamale, in Accra, and Kumasi, we are helping to reach out to children, students, anyone in need. meet small needs in someones life. God is using us, meeting us up with faithful people, reaching out to others. From all of this going on in Ghana, God has plans for us to serve needs of others here in America, in our own nation, our neighborhood, And anywhere around the world. We are praying and believing for a full and overflowing storehouse. Grants, Sponsors, Donations. So that we can serve Him and serve others anywhere. This is Building Foundations 1x1.  Everybody Pray for us. Support our cause.  Contact us to help.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Something To Give

"Each of us has something to give. Some have wealth, some have talents, some have time. Whatever gifts we have been given -- large or small -- we should share generously. When we do, we make the world better for someone else and find true m...eaning and satisfaction in our own lives." "Feed the hungry! Help those in trouble! Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you shall be as bright as day. And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy you with all good things, and keep you healthy too; and you will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. (Isaiah 58:10-11)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Online Yard Sale

Check back regularly. Share this page with everyone. See something you like: Contact us. We will regularly be posting pictures of item for sale to raise funds for these projects in Kumasi Ghana West Africa.

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Ministry Of Support Raising

Join with us. An easy way to make a huge impact in someone's life is to donate, donate to faithful, honest, worthy causes. We are one. God touched our hearts to serve those I need. Right now we are helping to build a home and training center for orphans and widows in an area of Kumasi, Ghana. There, is also a Church we are helping to build a place of worship in a neighborhood in Kumasi. Also, there's our first partnership ,we help in building a school and support many children with a good education. Also, we raise money to help individuals in need throughout Kumasi and Accra, Ghana. Out of this mission in our hearts, we have a desire to meet needs of anyone in need locally in our hometown, our city, our country America, and anywhere around the world. We developed our non profit for this purpose. "Building Foundations 1x1" meeting needs of others. Touching lives, making a difference in someone's life, one at a time. This is from Christ's command to Love God love others. God uses what ever we give and He makes it grow. So I know the more others give to our mission, God will grow even more to serve so many more... just doing what God has called us to do. "Some would-be missionaries tend to view support-raising as a necessary evil before they can get to a ministry assignment. Support raising is actually a ministry in itself - one that stretches and affirms your own faith as well as blessing those who become part of your support team. It is, indeed, a special type of ministry, and your first chance to help change people's lives. Engaging people in God's Kingdom work and providing opportunities for them to be involved and to have an impact is a special part of your calling as a missionary. Embrace it."
Question about Funding for missionaries:"What can I do to successfully raise prayer and financial support" "Combine faith-filled prayer with fearless communication. I believe that where God guides, he provides. Yet, just as I learned how to preach, I had to learn how to raise support. The way I have raised support is by fearlessly praying and communicating. First, I pray to find out what God wants me to do, and then through prayer I apply his promises to those needs. Second, in an honest up-front way, I share with my home church and prayer partners what I intend to do and what I need to get the job done. I have never begged for money. Instead, after praying about my needs, church leaders and supporters usually ask what I need. Sometimes the Lord gives me creative ways to share those needs in a newsletter or through some other communication with my support team. "Watch God provide through doing your part and through others When God started calling me to missions, it took me a very long time to listen. I'd left college with an honors degree and excellent references and was looking for a teaching job. After months of applications, interviews, and near misses, I gave into the "still small voice" and wrote to a missions group for information about teaching positions they had.When the information pack arrived a few days later, I looked through it and was horrified to learn that I would have to raise personal support. I thought through my list of family and friends. Many had just left college as I had and were struggling to pay off student loans. Some were newly married and taking on the responsibilities of mortgages and other home costs. There was no one I felt I could ask for money, so I filed the papers under the bed and tried to forget about it. I told my parents my new plan for the next two years, filled out the application forms, and let all my family and friends know. My dad and I began to dream up creative schemes for fundraising-donor dinners, bake sales, craft sales. I took a Christmas job in a shop to help pay off my school debt. In the early summer, my church let me have a table at the Village Festival to sell some of my unwanted belongings to raise money. Several people gave me one-time gifts, and offers of monthly support began to filter in. There were no miraculous meetings, no huge, unexpected donations, but many small gifts, often from people I hardly knew. Before my dad and I had a chance to put any of our plans into action, I added up how much I had, how much had been promised, and what I had managed to save from my job. I discovered that slowly, quietly, and unobtrusively God had provided exactly the total I needed for my two-year commitment. I always knew he could do it but never really believed he would do it for me. I have now been in missions for five years, and God has continued to provide for my needs, plus a few "wants" on the side! More than that, he has broadened my horizons beyond my imagination and allowed me to be part of His plan in many people's lives.Excerpted from pp. 186ff in the book Scaling the Wall: Overcoming Obstacles to Missions Involvement, by Kathy Hicks. "Give generously to missionaries now and receive from others later." Over twenty years ago I quit my job as a pharmacist to join Campus Crusade for Christ. I needed to raise a significant amount of support per month plus some for one-time needs. One thing I recall is that I had been giving generously to different mission organizations in the previous three years, above the tithe to my church. As I gave, Luke 6:38 applied: "Give, and it will be given to you."I somewhat naively thought that the Lord could bring these pledges together in about thirty days. Praise God, he did exactly that. And my home church pledged nothing that first year. "Follow the example of George Muller – trust God alone." WEC's tradition of trusting God alone for provision comes from scriptural examples and the influence of the life of George Muller. In the 1800s, Muller was guided by God to begin an orphanage in Bristol, England, by faith in the promises of God. He made no appeal for funds, but rather sought God to move in people's hearts so they would give toward the care of the orphans. Muller's testimony to God's faithful provision influenced Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, and later C.T. Studd, founder of WEC, who began his mission career with Taylor in China. Reflect on the words of Muller: "Over the years the Lord has faithfully taken care of us financially in our work of caring for the orphans by constantly raising up new supporters. God's promise is that they that trust in the Lord shall never be confounded. . . for one reason or another were we to lean upon man we would inevitably be disappointed; but, in leaning upon the living God alone, moment by moment, we are beyond disappointment and beyond being forsaken because of death, or of not having enough to live on or enough love or because of the needs of other works also requiring support. How precious to have learned to stand with God alone in the world, and yet to be happy and confident, and to know that 'no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.'"Some who read or hear of Muller's adventures of faith say, "Oh, he had a very special gift of faith, but I couldn't live like that!" Muller argues, "It is the selfsame faith which is found in every believer ... Oh, I plead with you, do not think me an extraordinary believer, having privileges above others of God's dear children, which they cannot have, nor look on my way of acting as something that would not do for other believers ... Do but stand still in the hour of trial, and you will see the help of God if you trust in Him." "Share your passion with everyone." I raised my support without realizing I was raising support. All I did was get excited about what God was doing in my life. That's all. I started telling everyone I knew about how God had called me to Mexico as a missionary. I wasn't even thinking about support when I was doing this, I just was so passionate about what God was doing that I couldn't stop talking about it. I was working as a waitress at a local restaurant, and one evening I was speaking about what what God was doing in my life. It turned out that the couple I was waiting on were pastors of a church all the way across the country, and they were searching for missionaries to support. Just because of my passion, and my desire to communicate to others what God was doing, that one church now fully supports me and has been doing so for more than a year.Prayer and passion – those are the two things that I had, and those are the two things that God used to get me what I needed. "Realize that support raising is your first ministry assignment!" Some would-be missionaries tend to view support-raising as a necessary evil before they can get to a ministry assignment. Support raising is actually a ministry in itself - one that stretches and affirms your own faith as well as blessing those who become part of your support team. It is, indeed, a special type of ministry, and your first chance to help change people's lives. Engaging people in God's Kingdom work and providing opportunities for them to be involved and to have an impact is a special part of your calling as a missionary. Embrace it. Learning to raise support often happens through training provided by the missions agency. Sometimes that training is extensive and quite helpful. Sometimes there is little to no training at all. That's where it can be helpful to find other resources such as books and seminars to help. One great resource that is comprehensive and inexpensive is called Partners for LIFE: How to Build, Grow and Maintain Your Missionary Support Team. It provides online video training sessions, downloadable materials and more that you can access anytime from anywhere. Many have found this training to be extremely helpful. Maybe you will, too. Start with the support-raising blog and a sample video. "Trust God and ask him." I trust God first and talk to him about what I really need the most. So it is: to ask him, to listen and to have a good relationship so his heart is opened. He will provide anything we ask, especially the financial support.

Pray for us. Daily Trust

God is our provider. All we need comes at the perfect time. Daily we learn to completely Trust God, and He comes through!... Luke 12:33-34 "Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Be a part, support Building Foundations 1x1 contact us