Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Our Hearts Desire

Please consider supporting our mission. we are an official 501c3. even though we have faithfully been serve long before then. Right now our focus is in Kumasi, Ghana. The Gonzalez Educational Complex is making so much progress. the cafeteria building is complete, will partially be used as classroom space. as we plan on raising the funds to help starting the building of the second floor of the school building. then, at Perfect Love Chapel, the church is almost completed and almost ready for Worship and to serve the neighborhood. and we are raising funds to help start the building of the Training Center and Home for widows and orphans. Then, in Tamale, in Accra, and Kumasi, we are helping to reach out to children, students, anyone in need. meet small needs in someones life. God is using us, meeting us up with faithful people, reaching out to others. From all of this going on in Ghana, God has plans for us to serve needs of others here in America, in our own nation, our neighborhood, And anywhere around the world. We are praying and believing for a full and overflowing storehouse. Grants, Sponsors, Donations. So that we can serve Him and serve others anywhere. This is Building Foundations 1x1.  Everybody Pray for us. Support our cause.  Contact us to help.

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