Tuesday, April 12, 2016

We Need You

We are looking for at least 300 people to commit to giving $5.00 per month on a 2 year, 3 year or 5 year commitment. Each month we rely on a handful of people that give what they can to help us help others.  
Our goals are : 
To partner with a large group of people
Obtain support from our family, friends, organizations and church communities
Make the monthly commitment of giving as easy as possible
To establish and build up a cash flow on a monthly basis in the general fund
Be ready and able to jump into action the moment we hear of or receive a request to help someone in need.
To continue to support the many ongoing needs @ The Gonzalez school and PLC 
Since 2007, we have seen the fruits of what a willing heart and faithful giving can achieve. Through a few large gifts and regular support from people who have shared the vision. We have been able to: Build a school that educates up to 350 students. Organize Saturday reading clubs and field trips. Pay for school fees and school supplies. Build a church in the ghetto's of Kumasi. Provide care for Orphans and Widows. Bring health and eyeglass clinics to villages. Provide medications and medical insurance. Taken in children whose mother died of aids last year. The list goes on and on. The requests for help come in daily.
We can not do it on our own, We need you. Would you consider helping us on a monthly basis? Your support may seem minimal but if 1000 people join us it will have a great impact in the lives of litterally Thousands of people around the world.
98% of your money goes towards what it is designated for and is 100% tax deductible. We are willing and ready to meet the needs of others in our community, throughout the U.S A and around the world.
A month ago, a young mother on facebook sent out a desperate late night plea for help to the SCV. Andy and I responded to that plea. We were able to buy and drop off some medication for a sick child. It is our desire to help others in any way we can. Would you consider being part of that by giving? Please return the attached Commitment form to us. You can give $5 monthly, $20 every 4 months, $30 every 6 months or $60 Annually. The keys to success and obtaining our goals will be in keeping your annual commitments. There are some that may be able to give $10 or $20 per month. We will also accept One time gifts. Every dollar matters. 
We want to make your giving as easy as possible, if you do not want to mail a check or do not want to forget to give each month. Please go to our face book page BuildingFoundations1x1 or website and press the donate now button. There is also a link for paypal. 
You can designate what you would like your donation to go towards:
There is a need for the 2 boys now in our care. They will need everyday care for food, clothes , school fees , school supplies and medical insurance
We want to create a lunch program at the Gonzalez school and provide every child with a free lunch. For some of the kids, this may be the only meal they eat that day.
We need help to continue to provide training classes and materials for the widows, single moms and elderly women to learn a trade.
We are continuing with the construction @ the school to build the second story Jr. high and highschool classrooms.
We want to complete the children's wing and sunday school classrooms in the new church building @ Perfect Love Chapel.
We want to continue to visit and bring food and clothes and school supplies to the orphans in several villages throughout Ghana.
We need a monthly cash flow in the BF 1x1 general fund to continue to help with small needs in our own back yard and around the world.
With your help and the help of 999 other people like you , together we can make a difference in this world. One life at a time.
Please incude your email address so we can send you regular updates and photos of the needs being met through your financial support.  
Our goal is big and 1000 monthly supporters may seem impossible in our eyes but God can bring them. Would you also consider sharing with your family , friends and social groups.
On behalf of the Building Foundations board , we thank you for your help in advance.  

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